TAO with Winter at the front organizes music events in Second Life for charities related to children. TAO has previously organized events for KiKa.

At the end of December 2024, another 3-day music festival for KiKa took place. The event featured big names from the Second Life music scene – check out the program. With an amazing team, fantastic artists, and enthusiastic hosts, it wasn’t just about the music. There was also a raffle, a hunt, and vendors. In the days leading up to the main event, there were pre-events where an artist was featured, along with a meet-and-greet – a place to enjoy a few songs and get to know the artist better.

The event was a beautiful rollercoaster of  performers, jokes, and spontaneous challenges. It kicked off with Hedy Patrucci, bringing a delightful Dutch touch, and closed with Winter. Over the three days, the event ended each day with a club afterparty, featuring DJs and surprises that kept things lively. And all of this while staying true to the goal: more chances for children with cancer to heal. Because, as wonderful as the music-filled celebration was, the reality is that not all children can celebrate. Too many children still die from cancer, too many children cannot play because they are sick, and too many families must endure the pain and hardship that comes with this disease. That’s why these events must continue. A united Second Life can accomplish great things, and this event proved that once again.

How much was raised for KiKa? You’ll find out when they present the cheque during CharitySL.nl 2025.

TAO and everyone who visited, helped, and has a heart for these children – thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love rules, and together we can do more, as one!


CharitySL.nl in Actie voor KiKa 22 november 2025 t/m 29 november 2025

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