Sponsor Initiatieven

Alle hulp is welkom en als jij een mooi initiatief hebt om te helpen het doel te behalen laat het ons weten.

Together As One (TAO)

As announced will TAO have another great weekend with live singers for CharitySL.nl in Action for KiKa.

20-21-22 December 2024 is the date.

Taxi: TAO Land

CatTales Patron Richard Akina

Richard Akina is een breeder van KittyCats en zal op 5 oktober 2024 12:30pm SLT (21:30CET) een aantal speciale KittyCats op de veiling brengen. De opbrengst van deze KittyCats en alle tips gegeven aan de veilingmeesters komen allemaal ten goede van CharitySL.nl in Actie voor KiKa

CatTales Patron Auction

Charity Fashion Show

16 November 2024 1pm SLT houden Epic en Audace Fashion Models een Mode Show.

Alle donaties gaan 100% naar CharitySL.nl in Actie voor KiKa.

Taxi: Runway Fashion Show

Fashion Show

AIM Agency presents …
Fundraising for CharitySL.nl in Action for KiKa Fashion Show,

Saturday, October 26th, 10am SLT
All designers for charity in one magnificent breathtaking show!!

Taxi to the Fashion Show

Art for sale for KiKa

Welcome to our art gallery for kika.nl – supporting children with cancer.

We are deeply grateful to over 30 artists who have generously agreed to donate their art and time to this cause. A special thank you goes out to singer Will n’ Leblanc, who stepped in yesterday to help two strangers in need when their singer fell ill. His kindness touched us deeply.

As Anne Frank once said, “Nobody has ever become poor by giving.” While raising funds is essential, the most important thing is to show those affected by cancer that we see them and that they are not alone in their fight. Through art, music, and community, we believe we can make a real difference.

Thank you for being here, and we hope you’ll join us in supporting this meaningful cause. Together, we can bring hope, joy, and support to those who need it most.

Taxi to the gallery

Your initiative here?

If you want to organise a sponsor event for CharitySL.nl in Action for KiKa against childhoodcancer please contact us so we can rezz a donation box. Your event will be placed also at this spot.