Market Stalls for rent at the Final event 2024 of for KiKa, the Dutch Childeren Cancer Society, from 20th november 2024 till 24th november 2023.

You pay 1000L$ for the market stall and you get 25 prims. You can use those 25 prims as you like but don’t make a chaos of your market stall and not more the 0.5 meter out of your market stall. All sales are 100% yours we don’t ask a percentage. The market stall rent is your donation. Offcourse are you free to donate more for KiKa.

Your rent time is 9 days, the event is within those 9 days and many visitors will be visiting during the event.

If you wanna rent a market stall and donate for KiKa then please fill in this form and we make contact with you within 24 hours to make your donation.
Reservation Form for a Market Stall


  • Please fill the form to reserve a market stall at the for KiKa action.
  • After your payment of 1000L$ at the donation Kiosk the reservation is final.
  • Your payment is your donation to KiKa, all your sales earnings are 100% for yourself.
  • Your payment has to be done before 1th november 2024, thats also the day that the reservations are closed.
  • Market stalls can be decorated at friday 15th november 2024, you have max 25 prims and you may use max 0.5 in hight and wide outside the stable. LM of the Event sim follows as soon we have the key to it.
  • No refund! The rent is your donation to KiKa.
  • No nudity or Adult, its a PG sim and event.
  • Market stalls must be empty at monday 25th november 2024.
  • LM to the donation kiosk: Donation Kiosk

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