is again in action for KiKa from 22th till 29th november 2025
Here is our own action page for edition 2025 at the KiKa website actionpage for KiKa, you can also donate here without being in Second Life.
We hope to raise at the final event of 2025 at least 1500 euro for KiKa .
This money is raised with requesting songs for a minimal 50L$, donations and also with the help of sponsors.
At the
sponsor page can you read how this works and you can fill the form to help us raise the money to help KiKa help Children with Childhood cancer. If you have any questions you are welcome to ask them.
Cancer touches us all in some sort of way. When cancer is diagnosed your world collapse and sometimes its even allready diagnosed with a Newborn.
Cancer has no age and sadly children gets it too. 81% of the Children with Childhood cancer reaches their next birthday, 19% sadly doesnt.
We wanna change that, it has to. Every child has the right to reach their next birthday, to play, go to school, to grow up, to have a future.
Children don’t belong in a hospital, to fight for their life, having all those pains. Not now becoming an eternal beautiful story like Tijn, Mohammed, Guusje, Pedro, Nickie, Jan, Fatima ….
We would like to reach with your help that everybody reaches an adult age and cancer will become a disease of the past and no child ever have to deal with cancer again.
With your support KiKa can finance the research to childhood cancer.
Thats why we are in action for KiKa against Childhood Cancer.
The oncologist comes around 8 a.m. He says he wants to talk to me alone for a while. While we walk out of the room, Guusje says to Yvonne:
“He wants to give me something to sleep with. Then I won’t wake up again. I do not want that. I first want to see Janneke, Lisa, Hans, Anton and Loes.”
She is right. She understood. Our little blond girl.
A little later our other five children are sitting around Guusje’s bed. Together with Yvonne and me. Now it’s okay. But is Guusje ready to go?
The infusion with sedative is connected.
I lean towards Guusje.
“It’s time to go to sleep. Time to be free from pain.”
Big eyes look at me.
“But then I will die. I do not want that. I want to live!”
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