is raised in 2019 by MsToya Bailey, Rippie Clip and Petra Oximoxi.

The current Management Team consists since 2023 of:
MsToya Bailey, Rippie Clip and Wendy1435 Resident.

We are an active group of people at the online platform Second Life. For many years we are active at Dutch actions to raise money for several good charity programs.
Every year , in the last week of November, we keep our Event for KiKa.
Since 2020 are we only for KiKa in action. Because Children shouldn’t have to get cancer and absolutely shouldn’t have to die because of cancer.

Is the management Team
No, are we all together, the Team of DJ’s, Hosts, and background helping hands and all of you who embrace the charity’s.
Together we try to make the world a bit more beautiful. To give others a chanche for a healthier life.

To show you:“You are not alone. There are people who cares for you and try to help you and others in need.”

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