Venue,Club,Beach resort,Shop and Trailer rentals, Live performers and Djs,, Hiring al kind off staff members, Mini golf,
Arcade, International, Amusement park.
These are the words that stands in the group description of Angels Atmosphere.

Angels Atmosphere has several years now a warm heart for
The owner is  Angel (Angel Passion) she is very active for in Action for KiKa. When you wander over the place you see the enormous support.

Time to let Angel tell about her motivation about supporting in Action for KiKa.

Angels Atmosphere has been active for 2 years now.
We love to entertain our guests with all kinds of live events or live DJs.
In addition, there are also all kinds of activities to do.
We stand for a relaxed and drama-free atmosphere.

Once everything was running.
I wanted to do something more on Second Life.
There are so many different charities.
After a few conversations with Rippie I knew that CharitySL.NL/KiKa was the one for me.

It broke my heart that so many children struggle with this disease every year.
Fortunately, a lot of children are cured, but not all of them.
So why don’t we go for that 100%.

After much deliberation we figured out how to help these poor children.
So we decided that CharitySLNLGacha Resident (The official Charity Gacha avatar for resell old gacha items that are donated) could fill two shops for free.
And all the lindens we earn with the shops and ad boards on the ground floor go directly to CharitySL.NL
We also have donation signs all over the sim, the lindens also go directly to CharitySL.NL

Rippie is also working on a karaoke event.
The date and time will be announced.
We also hope to collect a lot of linden with this.

What I would like to pass on to the CharitySL.NL visitors.
Most of us also have children. Healthy or not.
Our children should take us away and not the other way around.
So please help and donate.

Lots of love Angel

Klik hier om Angels Atmosphere te bezoeken. in actie voor KiKa editie 2023 is van 22 november 2023 tot en met 26 november 2023.

~ Petra ~

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