Like any major event, be it RL or SL, we absolutely cannot do without sponsors!
Every possibility of sponsoring is possible and such a large event is in addition a contribution for a good cause, namely KiKa. Offcourse is this also an opportunity to bring your SL business to the attention of a large group of people!
With many people every day on the event ground and a large number of visitors via our website and Facebook you can show and hear that you care about this action and increase your brand awareness in Second Life. There are various sponsor packages that one can choose from. You can read about it at our website and registration is still possible: Become a Sponsor –

Time to highlight our sponsors:

Embrace DanceClub : Music brought to you by great Live DJ’s & Host and Performers! Dutch and English in Local Chat. Respect and friendly to all,  International, 24/7 music, 11am slt-3pm slt live DJ’s & Host, 70’s to vocal trance and everything in between. Come and join us!

DD Streaming : DD Streaming provides the stream for 2021. ♬ shoutcast streams ♬ since 2010Streaming | Shoutcast | DJ’s | Artists | Music ♬ – DD Streaming – – ♬
High quality (shoutcast) streams for DJ’s, musicians and singers.

Jessica Chung Estates : Jessica Chung provides the Event Sim.
Welcome to Jessica Chung Estates HUB. Offers best price for Homestead, Full Prim, and parcels. Land ownership in this estate is guaranteed by Anshe Chung. To see a complete list please visit

Landscapes Unlimited : creates 3D panoramic prim landscapes in Second Life such as the virtual Alps and Grand Canyon. One type of landscape immerses skyboxes into an overwhelming environment. Another type makes island regions part of a spectacular mountain range, a desert or a tropical archipelago. More info at

Gearhead Car Club :  Building and Driving Sim for all car types. Events, Car Shows, Meets, Racing. Full Permission and copy/mod shells, parts and scripted vehicles.   Oval Racing  with cars provided. Unlimited open drag racing, buy or build your own on Sundays at 11am. Building and Driving all the time.

Birans Gadgets : Biran helped us big time with the donation board and much much more.
Scripting Since 2006. Second Life Marketplace – Birans Gadgets by Biran Gould

PosEd poses :  PosEd is a small pose store with bento poses with and without props for singles (female), couples, family, friends and adult. Second Life Marketplace – PosEd by Quistis Shippe

Nitelys Apparel: A cute apparel shopSecond Life Marketplace – Nitelys Apparel by astonishedgene

Together As One: Together As One is a Music Festival that happens Seasonally. And they Always Supports Children’s Charities!
Together As One has organized this year 2 live events for in action for KiKa.
We became friends and are in awe of what we can achieve together . (1) Together As One (TAO) | Facebook

GOOSE – Home & Garden: Garden Decoration and landscaping 100% original and unique mesh buildings & shops, garden equipment and garden furniture for fall winter spring summer.

EED Home & Garden : A store with decorations, smaller furniture and most of all outdoor-living: gardens, parks, forest and wildlife. A colorful life !

Club Be-one:  Nice club for and by Dutch speaking SL. They strive for fun events, cozy evenings and lots of laughter .
Come and have a great party with us, everyone is welcome. Dutch and English in local.
Daily from 21:30 – 23:30 

Alien Gizmo’s : A whole sim full of clothing and goodies for your mesh avatar. Range from erotic to formal,
Also for man and the new belleza jake & gianni bodies. Lucky chairs, Midnight Madness and more.

Michiel Bechir Galleries : The Michiel Bechir Gallery offers a wide range of artists, starting and established.
Frequently they organize events at his galleries with a selection of his own works and of invited artists. Come and visit!

In addition, there are creators who have made items available for the auctions and raffles: that will be shown in a next post at this website. 2021 November 25th – November 28th 2021 For KiKa.






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